When looking for a cello, no matter what price, always look for the highest quality you can afford. Make sure your cello is solid, carved wood and carefully graduated. Most important is a properly adjusted and setup instrument - this is often overlooked because cello students typically do not know whether or not an instrument is properly setup. For this reason, it is recommended that you purchase a cello from a reputable violin shop or mail order company, one that specializes in violin family instruments, NOT your average music store. The careful setup of a cello can keep a student from much unneeded pain.
Try as many cellos as you can, and get feedback from your ICS colleagues to see if any of them have tried the particular cello you are looking for. See if there is public feedback or comments on the instruments you are considering, and have a colleague or teacher play the instruments for you as well so you can hear what they sound like from a distance. Buying a cello is almost always a big investment, so take your time and search carefully!
Todd French