Posted by Rafael Hoekman on May 19, 1999 at 11:28:16:
In Reply to: May 15th? posted by Steve Drake on May 16, 1999 at 02:35:00:
Hey Gang,
Well, here we are 4 days later, and I'm smoke free! However, I also don't have a job in the MSO. Boy, are auditions weird! I won't go into great detail, but let's just say I will be better prepared next time. I never dreamed that they would have sight reading on the first round. Anyway, I am the one that used to call myself frog. My name is Rafael Hoekman, and I live in Montreal,Quebec. I grew up in St. John's Newfoundland, but have been living in Montreal for the last three years. I love playing the cello, talking about the cello, and all the music that has been written for the cello, and all music in general for that matter. I will continue my posts on the cello board, and will do my best to keep my posts within the boundaries of appropriateness. I love this board, and hope that it remains a good place for everyone. I hope I can be a little more friendly with everyone here now that I am using my real name.
Rafael (frog) Hoekman