Posted by Laura Wichers on May 18, 1999 at 12:20:15:
I'll be playing the first movement of Lalo with my school
orchestra June 10, so let me know if you're in the Detroit
area. I'm giving a recital late June, tba. Also, for anyone
in Europe, I'll be touring with the United States Collegiate
Choir (they added a double string quartet this year) in the
following places/times. Let me know if you're around any of
these places. It would be great to see some of you across the
July 5-8 Iselin, NJ
July 9-11 Paris
July 11-14 Chamonix
July 14-16 Lugano, Switzerland
July 16 Bussolengo & Milan
July 17 Bussolengo & Venice
July 18-20 Grodig
July 20-22 Bacharach
July 22-25 Oldeberkoop
July 25-29 London
I hope it would be possible for me to maybe meet some of
you. Let me know if you're nearby!