'TUTTI CELLI' Newsletter


        / `   INTERNET

        |     CELLO

       -|-    SOCIETY


      \_/      'TUTTI CELLI'  Monthly Newsletter, March 1995


Welcome! 'Tutti Celli' is the Internet Cello Society's monthly newsletter and serves several purposes: 1.) to make announcements of new happenings within ICS, within the Internet music world, and throughout the real music world. 2.) to feature a prominent cellist and a ICS member. 3.) and to summarize activities in the cello forums and departments.

The official debut of the Internet Cello Society WWW site will be soon, but for those that have Internet access and do not mind construction, you are welcome to take a peek! (AOL members do not have access yet :-( write your AOL representative). All you need is a World Wide Web browser like Mosaic, Netscape, MacWeb, or the text only Lynx application. After opening your browser application, simply open the URL address of the Internet Cello Society WWW site:


The membership registration form will be functional soon (compliments of Josh Childers, computer science major/ pianist); please take the time to register your profile. Tell me what you think of the ICS site!

For AOL members you may be interested in a general online discussion group called CLASSICAL MUSIC CHAT. They meet informally Tuesday and Wednesdays, Friday through Sunday from 7:30 Eastern. At the AOL main menu, select People Connection. From there you choose Member and/or Member Rooms. Lastly, double click on Create a Room and type in CLASSICAL MUSIC CHAT! They number over 600 people who enjoy relaxing together in a community of classical musicians, composers, conductors, students, fm radio personnel and aficionados. Please direct all further questions to: Carole Shore at CapeCodMA@aol.com.

ICS is still looking for a member that can act as the offical Cello Music Librarian to handle music or score inquires(I think one of our members is a professional music librarian--Where are you? :-) Write CelloTalk@aol.com, type "ICS staffing" in the subject field and please include some background information.


The Internet Cello Society World Wide Web site has already been noticed by two prominent WWW Online Magazines. Yahoo and WEBster have both reviewed our WWW site!

With over 200 members, I had hoped to start some focused online discussion sessions, but due to low membership turnout, most online meetings shall be delayed until there is more interest. Please continue sending questions and letters to the appropriate forum leaders below.

ICS is a virtual community of cellists that relies on its membership to volunteer time, expertise, articles, and archive materials. If you have any documents that you would like to share with the global society of users, send them and I will include them in our library!

On the home front, my wife and I heard a phenomenal performance by the YoYo Ma and Pamela Frank Duo in Seattle. They performed works of Mozart, Bach, Ravel, Honegger, and fiddle tunes arranged by Edgar Meyer and Mark O'Conner. Yo-Yo Ma always wins over his audience with his astounding virtuosity, his friendly manner and creative programming/collaborations.


If you would like to respond to something you have read in 'Tutti Celli', write to CelloTalk@aol.com and type "Letter to Editor" in subject field. (Letters may be edited.)

Hey!! I am so thrilled about this new internet cello society. Hopefully it will allow more of us who feel isolated to be a part of the cello "scene". I am a college student and living in NC, sometimes I feel as though I cut off from things that are happening in other parts of the US. I am glad to know that now I can make some connections through the society as I prepare to audition for graduate schools. I am a junior at East Carolina University, studying with Selma Gokcen. I have been involved in chamber music since high school, and performed for many years with various quartets. Again, thank you!!! A.B.G at MUGAHAGA@ECUVM.CIS.ECU.EDU

Howdy from Central Texas! I'm curious that you don't seem to be directly addressing my field -- that is, college/university teaching. I'd be interested to net-chat with some of my peers regarding successes and failures in what can be just as trying a field as public school!! Dr. M.A.B. at MB10@a1.swt.edu

***Until ICS membership is greater, all cello teachers can communicate via the Cello Teacher forum.


by Tim Finholt and Cordelia Wikarski-Miedel

This interview of the accomplished artist and teacher Cordelia Wikarski-Miedel focuses on her early music training and the tragic events that have occurred throughout her career. Despite her many trials she has maintained a very optimistic and vibrant attitude towards music and life. Ms. Wikarski-Miedel is Instructor of Cello, the Northwest Artist in Residence, and Director of the Chamber Music Department at University of Puget Sound.

"TF:You have had more than your share of tragedy in your life. Your father was murdered, you grew up in a Berlin destroyed by war, you were trapped behind the Berlin Wall, your husband died in 1983, and now you are recovering from operations on both of your shoulders. And yet you don't seem bitter! CWM: Oh, I am glad I don't give the impression that I am bitter. I feel difficult experiences have made me stronger. There is, as result of these experiences, more of a sense of fulfillment in life and it has given me greater insight into people. Of course, it is sometimes difficult to maintain this attitude."


A key contributor to the success of ICS is cellist Paul Critser. He graduated from the Cleveland Institute of Music, worked in Caracas, Venezuela and is presently in the Pittsburgh Ballet & Opera. He shares with us his falling out with and return to the music business.


This newsletter section will draw from correspondence and discussion in the following online departments. All members are encouraged to mail any pertinent discussion topics, questions & answers, articles or other correspondence to the appropriate department.



If you know of any other cello society newsletters, bibliographies of music, teaching materials, references, indices, lists or articles that should be added to ICS Library, please (send data to CelloTalk@aol.com or send disks to Internet Cello Society; c/o John Michel; 1309 Skyline Drive; Ellensburg, WA 98926.)

Library contents will be available to all Internet users; please include author and written statement of unlimited or limited distribution and reproduction.


(All members are welcome to post announcements or news that are pertinent to our global cello society. Send information to BPSmith@aol.com)

Bernard Greenhouse, former cellist of the Beaux Arts Trio, will be awarded the Distinguished Cellist Award at the World Cello Congress in Manchester, England. Ralph Kirshbaum will be leading the ceremonies.

Pine Mountain Music Festival in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's a three-week festival in June with opera (La Boheme this year), symphony concerts, recitals, master classes, jazz, a new music concert, an organ concert, etc. We have a very unique opportunity for accomplished high school students. They audition by tape to play alongside -- as colleagues -- professional musicians in the festival orchestra. The strings are the Bergonzi Quartet from U. of Miami, and Peter Spring, Principal Bassist with Grand Rapids Symphony. The Detroit Chamber Winds are the principal wind players. For further information contact Laura Deming at OperaCello@aol.com.


We need a internet surfer to update this monthly! Do we have any volunteers?!


Classifieds are now possible on ICS WWW site! Any businesses that might be interested in buying advertisements write CelloTalk@aol.com and type "classifieds" in subject field.

Address letters to the appropriate department editors listed above and any other correspondence to John Michel at CelloTalk@AOL.COM

Send comments on the content of this server to John Michel at director@cello.org.
Editors: Paul Critser, Bret Smith & Carrie Rehkopf
Technical Consultant: Josh Childers
Copyright © 1995 Internet Cello Society