Internet Cello Society
NOTE: This section is not sorted into any kind of order, yet. So just browse through!
Classical Music Education Foundation (CLEF)
Downloadable Music Site
Classical music in MPEG3 and MPEG2, Free Audio players and Music links.
Archive of Classical Midi Sequences, Thousands of classical music excerpts in midi format.
CD NOW, A great place to find and buy CD's.
CLASSICAL NET, a very extensive collection of links to instruments, composers, anything you can think of with regard to classical music.
VIOLINK, a searchable music database.
MOI, Musicians on the Internet, A virtual listening booth. Neat site!
Kalvos & Damian New
Music Bazaar, of which the Vermont Composers Consortium is a small
Musical Instrument Exchange (for
Altramar Medieval Music
Montagnana Books (About
violins, etc.)
Classical and Operatic Midi Files by Anna and Luca
Francis Cox's Classical
Music in LondonA really marvelous collection of London resources!
Musical Instruments and
Esther Boyer
College of Music at Temple University
Paul Critser's Online Musicians
University of Oregon School
of Music Information Server
HELLO EVERYONE! Adventures in Good
Music with Karl Haas
Music Resource
List from Indiana University Music Library
Sibelius Academy in Finland
(An Enormous List)
and a "Top 100 Page" rating by PC Magazine.
"Mozart," software
for composing and printing music scores (shareware)
List of Music Notation Software
from the Middle Ages up to Now
ANIMATO, the Australian
String Shop
Edinburgh University's
Collection of Historical Musical Instruments
To quickly move to the primary pages featured at the "Internet Cello
Society" site, just click on any of the following descriptions:
C. St. John, 1996