'TUTTI CELLI' Newsletter



        |    http://tahoma.cwu.edu:2000/~michelj/



      \_/    TUTTI CELLI'  Bi-Monthly Newsletter, July/Aug. 1995


(For easier readability, you may want to print out this electronic newsletter.)


WELCOME to the Internet Cello Society! We are currently 450 members strong and represent 17 different countries around the world! Countries represented include the United States, Canada, England, Germany, Italy, Russia, Singapore, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, Norway, Australia, France and Israel.
'TUTTI CELLI' is the Internet Cello Society's bi-monthly newsletter and serves several purposes: 1.) to make announcements of what is new at the ICS World Wide Web site, within the Internet music world, and throughout the real music world. 2.) to feature a distinguished cellist, an ICS member, and interesting articles. 3.) and to summarize activities in ICS cello forums and departments.
The WORLD WIDE WEB houses the Internet Cello Society at this address:
The WWW allows for the quick transfer of information in the form of text, graphics, movies, and sounds to anywhere in the world. If you have direct Internet access, all you need is a World Wide Web browser like Mosaic, Netscape, MacWeb, or the text only Lynx application (Netscape is highly recommended!). After opening your browser application, simply open the URL address of the Internet Cello Society WWW site:
ICS ONLINE SERVICES include the following:
*A Cello Introduction, an interactive multimedia presentation
*'Tutti Celli', an online copy and back issues
*Young Cellists, Professional Performers, Teachers, Cellist-By-Night Forums
*Library archives including various cello society newsletters, articles, etc....
*Membership register (optional) searchable by various criteria
*Classifieds and advertisements via The Web Classical Music Store
*Links to other Internet music resources
ICS MEMBERSHIP affords benefits as well as responsibility. As a virtual community of cellists, ICS relies on its membership to write articles, volunteer time, share expertise, and submit archive materials. If you have any documents that you would like to share with the global society of users, send them directly to CelloTalk@aol.com or on disk via snail mail. For a truly global perspective of the music world, the Internet Cello Society needs the active cooperation and contribution of each of its members.


As of this month, members can now fill out a complete REGISTRATION FORM to be added to our ICS online directory. The Netscape browser is recommended for form submission. The form is located at the URL address:

As more ICS members voluntarily register in our online directory, members can search for other cellists by name, address, schools attended, teachers, city, country and more!!! Check out this incredible database of cellists from around the world:

Again, our WWW homepage was visited 1,000 times last month! We continue to revel in the popularity of our site. This month, we have made several additions to our WWW site. Check out our"What's New" page:

Membership continues to grow, and several new cello societies plan to archive their newsletters at the Internet Cello Society.

Until the ICS membership reaches 500, forum discussion will be done via e-mail correspondence. Please continue sending questions and letters to the appropriate forum leaders below.


I have had a bit of time to 'powder up' the Internet Cello Society WWW site, adding a few more graphics and special backgrounds. I believe that the browser Netscape is the only one that supports the background feature at this time. On the more practical side, I am proud to say that we have our online registration form and directory search tools up and running! I look forward to the day that we have a database of thousands of cellists from around the world.

ICS is running out of Member Spotlights. We need the participation of each member to create an interesting and truly internet-ional society. Please submit original articles, or articles that you think warrant reprinting.


***If you would like to respond to something you have read in 'Tutti Celli', write to CelloTalk@aol.com and type "Letter to Editor" in subject field. (Letters may be edited.)***

Hello! I congratulate you on a terrific networking organization! As a cellist in a remote area (West Virginia) I am thrilled to have already discovered friends and acquaintances from years past! I look forward to meeting up with more of them, and meeting new cellists online!
Susan Tephly
Assistant Professor of Cello at Marshall University, WV

Hello, I don't use the Internet often, I don't even have it on my computer, right now I'm at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla. I just wanted to convey my admiration and wonder at this cello society. It seems to cover just about anything any cellist could possibly need. When I return home to Atlanta, subscribing to the ICS will be one of the first things I do.
My main reason for sending this post is to respond to your comment on Youth Orchestras. I am seventeen years old and a cellist in the Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra. I have heard from many who have attended our concerts that our sound is quite different from the Atlanta Symphony. While, of course, we lack the experience of such a professional orchestra, and our brass (as well as string) sections may have an occasional counting or intonation problem, we always pull together by the concert, and people claim that our sound is extremely enthusiastic and youthful, vibrant-form the fact that you mentioned earlier- that we live the music. Perhaps this is because of our inexperience- we haven't been playing the music long enough that it has become ordinary to us. Each member of our orchestra is very enthusiastic and can often not wait for the next rehearsal. Our youth orchestra had the honor this year of collaborating with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in a Side by Side concert this year with Yoel Levi, playing Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony. The concert was such a success (Tchaikovsky with 200 + musicians on stage) that we may do it again next year. I only wished that there were more occurrences such as this.
Thank for your time and please continue the good work.
Micheal Grogan


Hello, I began my cello studies in Santa Clara,Ca. with Gloria Noble at the age of 33. While a student at Ohlone College in Fremont, CA. I studied briefly with Ariel Whitbeck. Prior to moving to the Sacramento area, I auditioned with Lazlo Varga, a professor at San Francisco State University. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete my studies with him. If any ICS member knows how to get in touch with Mr. Varga, I would greatly appreciate hearing from them. I am really glad that there is a online cello forum. After an 8 yr. absence from the cello, I have recently contacted Andrew Luchansky here in Sacramento, CA to resume my studies.
Thanks again,
Dwain S. Barefield at HW1.DBAREFIE@HW1.CAHWNET.GOV

I have a long history with the cello (44 years) and a short history with the internet (little more than 44 days), but I'm interested in participating as a member.
Paul Silverman, Rockville, MD


By Paul Critser

A reprint of an article published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, this article is about a refreshingly different experience of cellist Paul Critser, playing back-up to the Led Zepplin band.
"We still listen to the music of Bach and Beethoven, but in 200 years will people still listen to Led Zeppelin? My parents convinced me with this argument, intellectually, that a rock 'n' roll concert was not so much music as it was an event. Nonetheless, I continued to listen. My parents' reasoning simply added to the exciting tinge of naughtiness which accompanied intellectual rebellion.

I was jolted by that same rebellious spirit upon being hired for Led Zeppelin's backup orchestra last month. Finally, a kind of revenge on my parents. Not only was I going to be playing rock 'n' roll on my cello, I was going to be playing with the very band about whose music my parents used to scream, "Turn it down!"


by TimFinholt

Jeffrey Solow is currently Associate Professor of Music at the Esther Boyer College of Music at Temple University. He is a renowned performer, cello pedagogue, and author. Two of his articles were recently voted to be in the top 10 of the last ten years in American String Teacher magazine. Mr. Solow shares his experiences of studying with Piatigorsky, his ongoing discovery of a more efficient cello technique, and some of his teaching philosophy. He also offers interesting, and sometimes different opinions on several questions. Are competitions useful? Is it wrong that many more performance degrees are given than jobs? Is there such a thing as a wrong interpretation?
Margaret Rowell, prominent pedagogue of the cello and founder of the California Cello Club, passed away on Friday, April 21, 1995. Born on December 11, 1900, she has taught many cellists including distinguished cellists Paul Tobias, Bonnie Hampton, and Irene Sharp. This article by Irene Sharp, professor at San Francisco Conservatory, serves as an introduction to Margaret Rowell and her teaching. This first-hand account of a former student offers a close up look at the life and energetic teaching approach of Margaret Rowell. Margaret Rowell was a pedagogue with an incredible conviction, a sometimes unconventional approach, a warm-heart, and a keen understanding of the natural power of the body.
The obituary of Margaret Avery Rowell is also included in the transcript. (Memorial donations can be made for the Margaret Rowell Scholarship Fund at the Conservatory.)



I'm currently working for my Ph.D. at Leeds University and my research area is essentially critical theory of the arts and socio-cultural history. My area of specialization is nineteenth-century fin-de-siècle modernist opera, esp. in Vienna, most particularly Franz Schreker's opera Der Ferne Klang but there's a lot more to it than it might seem. I'm a cellist (baroque cello and "modern") and was principal cellist of the MYO (county youth orchestra) years and years ago. Did various masterclasses, with Paul Tortelier (when I was about ten years old!), Andrew Shulman (Britten Quartet), Bruno Shreker (Allegri Quartet) and Mischa Maisky (MAJOR hero).
Academic research and singing medieval music seem to have taken over but I still consider cello to be my principal and favorite instrument. Cannot BEAR cliquey muso cellist types - I am very much an advocate of the enjoy and share music philosophy. Music of all types is for EVERYONE that wishes to experience it.
Nuff said.


***This newsletter section will draw from correspondence and discussion in the following on-line departments. All members are encouraged to join a specific forum mailing list. Send any pertinent discussion, questions & answers, articles or other correspondence to the appropriate department. ***



If you know of cello society newsletters, bibliographies of music, teaching materials, references, indices, lists or articles that should be added to ICS Library, please send data to
CelloTalk@aol.com or send disks to Internet Cello Society; 1309 Skyline Drive; Ellensburg, WA 98926.(Library contents will be available to all Internet users; please include author and written statement of release for unlimited or limited reproduction.)


***All members are welcome to post announcements or news that are pertinent to our global cello society. Send information to BPSmith@aol.com***

JOB OPENING: The Midland-Odessa Symphony will be holding auditions for Co-principal Cello for the 1995-1996 season. The Midland-Odessa Symphony is a non-union per service orchestra in West Texas. During the 1995-1996 season 8 subscription concerts, a family concert, 2 Nutcracker performances and 12 youth concerts will be performed. A private teaching position is available in the Ector County Independent School District to provide additional income. For application and audition information please call Tim Young or Rob Hunt at (915) 563-0921. Application deadline is July 15, 1995. submitted by: LEE_S66@gusher.pb.utexas.edu

Solo Violin-Solo Violoncello-Clarinet/Percussion Duo
Composer Statement: The objective of this competition is to discover the best individuals to record my original compositions and to present them to the American public in a nationally distributed recording.- Edward J. Hines
The competition is open to violinists, cellists, clarinetists and percussionists of all ages. There is no entrance fee. Winners will be chosen exclusively by the composer. Winners will receive $500 each as part of a standard recording contract to professionally record Yeni Makam 2,3 or 4. For more information write Edward J. Hines at the address EDIP International Competition, Wendell, MA 01379 USA or at 74742.2031@compuserve.com.


***Paul Critser, ICS Internet Surfer at CelloPaul@aol.com***


Classifieds are now possible via the Web Classical Music Store! Any businesses or individuals that might be interested in posting advertisements, please write CelloTalk@aol.com and type "classifieds" in subject field.

Address letters to the appropriate department editors listed above and any other correspondence to John Michel at CelloTalk@AOL.COM

Send comments on the content of this server to John Michel at director@cello.org.
Copyright © 1995 Internet Cello Society