'TUTTI CELLI' Newsletter


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      \_/      'TUTTI CELLI'  Monthly Newsletter, April 1995


'Tutti Celli' is the Internet Cello Society's monthly newsletter and serves several purposes: 1.) to make announcements of new happenings within ICS, within the Internet music world, and throughout the real music world. 2.) to feature a prominent cellist and an ICS member. 3.) and to summarize activities in ICS cello forums and departments. Print out this electronic newsletter for easier readibility.

ICS is a virtual community of cellists that relies on its membership to volunteer time, share expertise, write articles, and submit archive materials. If you have any documents that you would like to share with the global society of users, send them directly to CelloTalk@aol.com or on disk via snail mail. For a truly global perspective of the music world, the Internet Cello Society needs the active cooperation and contribution of each of its members.


An Internet Cello Society prospectus is being written and will be sent to cello societies from around the world. The prospectus will include our mission statement and description of ICS services. If you are affiliated with a cello society in your area, your introduction of the Internet Cello Society would be much appreciated. Please request a copy of the ICS prospectus and share it with cello clubs and friends. Again, write CelloTalk@aol.com

The debut of the Internet Cello Society World Wide Web site has been announced to the Internet world, but I have received little feedback from ICS membership. Tell me what you think of the ICS site! (AOL members do not have access yet :-( write your AOL representative). If you have direct internet access, all you need is a World Wide Web browser like Mosaic, Netscape, MacWeb, or the text only Lynx application. After opening your browser application, simply open the URL address of the Internet Cello Society WWW site:


Unfortunately our technical assistant Josh Childers ran into some serious bug problems in writing the script and code to make the membership registration from functional. When you finally do see the form, please take the time to register your profile.


The Internet Cello Society World Wide Web site is still in the development stage. This month I have added more musical examples: open strings, special effects and pieces from "Pop Goes The Weasel" to the Gigue of the Bach Suite #6 in A major. In the Cello Introduction section of the WWW site, there are about thirty different musical excerpts that you can download.

Until the ICS membership doubles its membership, forum discussion will be done via e-mail correspondence. Until then please continue sending questions and letters to the appropriate forum leaders below.

Please continue to request transcripts of the Featured Artist and Member Spotlight below. Besides being full of interesting ideas and experiences, these articles have been written with much time and care.


If you would like to respond to something you have read in 'Tutti Celli', write to CelloTalk@aol.com and type "Letter to Editor" in subject field. (Letters may be edited.)


Congratulations on a job well done.
To an adult beginner cellist, like myself, who is also retired, the Internet Cello Society is like a dream come true. So far I have tried your WWW site successfully using Lynx, and one of these days I will get Mosaic running. My other dream was that cable TV would offer the "Cello Channel" but I don't suppose there is anything that you can do about that.

Frank Allen
Ontario, Canada

Hi --
I just found the Internet Cello Society on the WWW and would like to become a member and an e-mail subscriber.
I am an amateur cellist (intermediate - advanced intermediate level. I am also intrigued by the Cellist-by-night category mentioned on your Web site. Is that forum going to be about those of us who steal time from other jobs to play our cellos?

Really glad to see you on the Web.
Roberta Astroff

As Professor of Cello at the Broyhill School of Music at Appalachian
State University in Boone, North Carolina, I am delighted to discover the
Internet Cello Society. Please add me to your mailing list. Thanks for
your pioneering efforts. I look forward to meeting other cellists online.

Kenneth Lurie

I think the foundation of ICS is a BIG step for cellist-community and
it will be very beneficial for everybody. Congratulations!

Olof Nordlund
Stockholm, Sweden


by Tim Finholt

This interview includes interesting facts about the outstanding Russian-born cellist David Tonkonogui. His early music experience gives us a first hand look into what it was like to be trained in the Russian school of cello playing from the beginning to the doctorate level. David Tonkonogui shares his ideas about performance, teaching and music interpretation.

Tim Finholt: Do you think that there is such a thing as a wrong interpretation?
David Tonkonogui: [It is]Always related to your personal taste, experience, and expectation. I don't think you can objectively say that a performance is wrong or right.

David Tonkonogui came to the United States on November 7, 1989, the day of the October Revolution in Russia, and currently is a member of the Seattle Symphony. He is an active soloist, cellist of the Bridge ensemble and a highly respected teacher.



Roberta Rominger is a cellist by night and by day a minister in the United Reformed Church in the northeast of England. She grew up in California and studied with Ira Lehn and Margaret Rowell. Roberta Rominger plays in a community orchestra, enjoys music festivals and is currently forming a cello quartet!
"My job is all-consuming, which is why I need an all-consumingly-passionate sort of hobby on the side. The cello keeps me human (I hope!)"

Roberta Rominger has volunteered to collect information on music festivals that are occuring throughout the world for the Internet Cello Society. Please send announcements and articles on music festivals to her at roberta@rominger.demon.co.uk and type "festival" in subject field.


This newsletter section will draw from correspondence and discussion in the following online departments. All members are encouraged to mail any pertinent discussion topics, questions & answers, articles or other correspondence to the appropriate department.



If you know of any other cello society newsletters, bibliographies of music, teaching materials, references, indices, lists or articles that should be added to ICS Library, please (send data to CelloTalk@aol.com or send disks to Internet Cello Society; c/o John Michel; 1309 Skyline Drive; Ellensburg, WA 98926.)

Library contents will be available to all Internet users; please include author and written statement of unlimited or limited distribution and reproduction.


(All members are welcome to post announcements or news that are pertinent to our global cello society. Send information to BPSmith@aol.com)


Paul Critser, ICS Official Internet Surfer


Classifieds are now possible on ICS WWW site! Any businesses that might be interested in buying advertisements, write CelloTalk@aol.com and type "classifieds" in subject field.

Address letters to the appropriate department editors listed above and any other correspondence to John Michel at CelloTalk@AOL.COM

Send comments on the content of this server to John Michel at director@cello.org.
Editors: Paul Critser, Bret Smith & Carrie Rehkopf
Technical Consultant: Josh Childers
Copyright © 1995 Internet Cello Society